Thursday was great with R. We went to a nearby park/playground in the morning. There were TONS of kids from a local Head Start program there when we arrived. It was a little overwhelming, so R stuck pretty close to me except when he was sliding down a crazy fire pole! He did it over and over again. A told me later that R tried it for the first time the last time he took him to that park a few weeks ago. I would never have known because R was sliding down like a pro. Unfortunately, he wanted me to do it with him, and when I slid down, although I was much more graceful than I imagined I'd be, I slammed my knees into the pole and now I'm covered with some scary-looking bruises. But we had SO much fun. Later, after most of the kids cleared out, R made friends with some older girls and played with them until we left. At first, they were annoyed by him because he ran up to them to tell them, "Be careful! I don't want you to fall!" when they were swinging from the rings. But then they were playing chase with him later, which was nice.
A and I have decided to stop telling R to "Be careful!" because we realized that it doesn't do any good - it doesn't affect his behavior at all at the moment, and because he just keeps telling other kids to be careful, which doesn't always go over very well. ;-)
On Thursday afternoon, R and I walked to the library, took out a bunch of books and read stories there, then we picked up some cookies at the bakery around the corner, and walked home. It was lovely.
On my big day off on Friday, I ended up shopping all morning with A. I bought some things for the house, some toys for R, and then we went to L.L. Bean. A and I both need work clothes, but I ended up with all summer things (shorts, skirt, cropped jeans) because they were having a big summer sale. Then, we headed home and I cleaned the house the rest of the day. I think I sat down to relax for half an hour. But that's okay. It was what I wanted to do. Only I want to do it for another few days!
This weekend was really hot here. I think we hit 97 on Saturday. So we headed to the Museum of Science to be indoors and cool. We went to the Butterfly Garden and checked out the electricity show. I was nervous that R would be scared by the show because it's very loud and bright, but he LOVED it. He asked to leave a couple of times, but that was because the presenter was talking too much. All that educational stuff, you know. :-)
We spent the rest of the day in our family-sized inflatable pool. It's amazing how comfortable the heat seems when you're half-submerged in cool water.
Today, we visited with friends, took naps, and spent too much money at Target. (What is it about that store?!? I go in there with a very specific list and end up spending twice as much. Today I couldn't turn up the Playmobil nativity set. I wanted it last year, but couldn't find it anywhere, so I grabbed it today. I think it will be fun to set it up and play with it with R.)
We ended the day and weekend with S'mores made in the toaster oven. (It was way too hot to light the grill.) I love sharing things like this with R! He was so excited while they were toasting, he was running around the house doing a crazy, kicking dance. Then he talked about how delicious marshmallows are. Normally, we try to limit the sugar he eats - especially around bedtime - but we finished dinner early tonight, so I figured it was okay. R ended up running up and down our street, chatting with our neighbors ("Let's go say hi to [insert name here]!!!!"), and showing everyone his new binoculars (from Target, of course). He was so cute.
As promised, a few new pictures...
The aftermath of fingerpainting

R took this picture of his new Tonka trucks all by himself

One of R's first written Rs! (He has since figured out how to make them face the right direction.)

Enjoying S'mores!