Sunday, September 23, 2007

I miss my family

I've been missing my mom and my sisters a lot lately. I didn't realize how much until my youngest sister came to visit last weekend for my birthday. We had the best time together. We went canoeing on Sunday morning, which was absolutely beautiful and peaceful and perfect, but other than that we just hung out, went out to a breakfast buffet, ran errands at Target, and took R to the park. I just feel so comfortable and relaxed with my family, which unfortunately is a rare feeling for me other than with R and A.

So, when we dropped off my sister at the airport on Sunday, I was pretty down afterwards. I got really cranky and depressed and ended up asking A to cancel my birthday party. I eventually got over it late Sunday night, but later in the week my sister called to tell me that she felt the same way and was cranky after leaving us.

Both of my sisters used to live close by (my baby sister lived only a few blocks away a few years ago!), but then they both ended up moving far away (to PA and to FL) within a month of each other. That was really hard for me, but it's also what made me finally ready to have a baby - because I wanted to build up a family for me again, among other reasons. Of course, once R was born, I realized how very difficult it is to have kids without any family around!

I've definitely considered moving to be closer to my mom and my sister who has three boys around R's age. But I love our life here in New England too much.

To help me feel better, though, I've got a project! My mom turns 60 next year, and she told us a few years ago that what she'd like to do is rent a beach house where we could all stay and have a family vacation. And, she wants to use that time to hand down her memories and stories to us and to her grandsons. So I'm taking on the job of planning the vacation! Woohoo! I think we'll probably meet up in northern Florida somewhere because that'll be easiest for my middle sister and her brood to get to. I have to find a house big enough to hold at least 12 of us, and one that has enough stuff to do for the kids (and the adults) so that we don't start to drive each other nuts being in close quarters for a week. I'm very excited because our family hasn't all been together in one place in about four years, and it wasn't under the best circumstances the last time (i.e., family crisis). So, if you have any suggestions for a great family vacation spot somewhere in northern Florida, send 'em along!


Johanna said...

this is Johanna- think I'm logged in as Shaun- I've been feeling the same way lately, miss you guys, miss New England, Florida's full of mutant insects....
Did you try AAA .com(for vacation info)? Also Shaun lived right next to Georgia border so he may be helpful.And the Carolinas are pretty close- about an 8 hour drive to the SC border from here.But don't limit yourself travelwise on my account,by Mom's birthday the kids are out of school and I will have discovered buried treasure in our yard somewhere(I may put this on the community development loan application I have as an asset "possible buried treasure in yard")
I just yesterday looked at your blue computer glow pictures and they are very nice but you really need to add some chocolate to your diet because I don't remember your face ever looking so thin!Where is your Causey veil of chins?

LEstes65 said...

Oh man I hear this one. You know how long I lived without family nearby. You, A & R along with Alicia & Art became my family. I wish I was still there to help you on that front.

I've never lived close to family (until now, interestingly enough). We were the lone Yankee branch of my southern family. My parents made our churches our family. And down here, I've done the same. My sister & parents are close again. But even with them here, I still lean very heavily on the support of my church friends. I think I missed that HUGELY during all my stupid 20s & 30s.

I'm glad you're still family.

Wanda said...

I'm hoping to live near my grandchilden someday soon when I husband decides to "really" retire. I'm only 350 miles away or 6 hours...but sometimes it feels like the other side of the world.

Your mom's 60th should be a great time for everyone.

Teachermom said...

Pensacola is a fun little vacation spot - not too crazy, just relaxed.

I hear you on missing the parents live nearby, but my sister and family moved across the country three years ago and it sucks (they, too, lived just a few blocks away before)!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin, my cousin lives near Destin Fl, it is really beautiful you might look into it.

My family is spread out all across the country also so I know what those goodbyes are like. Every summer (well, almost) the whole family gets together at my uncles lake house in Alabama. For about one week we all get to enjoy each others company and leave our real lives behind. During the rest of the year we use the internet to stay in touch. I know it’s nothing like seeing them but have you tried video conferencing? There is a company I have been working with called ooVoo that has free video messaging and conferencing. R could prerecord and send messages to anyone in the family, they will love it! Another great thing about it is that six people can conference at the same time. It really has the ability to connect many different people together no matter how far away they might be.
I hope ooVoo works for you and please email me if you have any questions.
Have a great day!