Saturday, October 18, 2008


We had a lovely, lazy morning. R and I played with his trains in his room, while A made pancakes and sausages for breakfast. Around 11, we headed out to the Museum of Science for a couple of hours. We have a membership, and it's really nice because we can get there in about 10 minutes door to door, and then we have two hours at the museum (before we have to start paying for parking). Today, we let R spend a long time staring at the big ball moving sculpture. It's a mechanical piece of art that has all these crazy tracks for billiard balls to go through. Hard to describe, but it's mesmerizing. And, it's set up right next to a wall of windows overlooking the Charles River and the Boston skyline. So, we let R stay there for a long time while A and I soaked up the sun and watched the river. Then, we zipped through a lot of the rest of the museum and made it back to the parking garage with two minutes to spare. :-)

The view of Boston from inside the museum

After a lunch of spicy gumbo soup (yum!), apple slices, and cheese and crackers, we headed out to the bookstore to pick up some more Magic Tree House books for R and then to the grocery store. Then it was home again, a short nap for R on the couch while I did laundry and checked email, and dinner. Not a very exciting day, but it was beautiful nonetheless. I was with my boys and that's what's important.

Tomorrow, we get our pumpkins!

1 comment:

sandwhichisthere said...

Good things come to those who wait. It must have been close to twenty years ago when I heard a beautiful young belle's lament. "Do we have to go to another museum? Why can't we go to an amusement park or something like that?". Cackle cackle cackle! I can't wait for the walking architecture tours.