Sunday, May 27, 2007

Weekend update

It has just been absolutely amazingly beautiful here this weekend, and we've been enjoying it. On Saturday, we worked in the yard nearly all day. I bought MORE plants and dug more holes and spread more mulch (I think I'm developing an obsession), all while R played with the hose and watered everything in sight, including me. :-)

Today, we met friends at Drumlin Farm. Our friends were also meeting other friends there with three-year-old girls, and it was very cute when our four three-year-olds held hands and walked in a line together (we forgot our camera - doh!). And, because the girls were all excited about the baby goats and lambs, R got over his fear of them. He even fed grass to the goats. Yay! That was after telling me on our way to the farm, "I get a little freaked out by the animals." (He overheard me saying that. Earlier this morning, he was insisting that it was his friend A that was afraid of the animals even though she LOVES them.)

Here are some cute things R has said recently:
  • Ginantic (= gigantic)
  • Spreckles (= freckles; he woke up this morning in our bed, rolled over, and said to A, "Daddy, you have spreckles just like me!")
  • At school, R painted a little hinged box for "Family Day" for A and me. I had put it on the fireplace mantle with some of R's rocks inside it - the ones he picks up everytime we take a walk somewhere. R asked me to take it down so he could look at it. He saw the rocks and told me, "This is my rock collection!" I have no idea where he learned that word.
  • While we were playing trains, R grabbed a tunnel, put it to his mouth, and said in a muffled, Charlie-Brown-teacher-type voice: "Attention passengers, the next Red Line train to Ashmont is now arriving." He recited the recording from the subway station near us word for word.
  • "I miss Grandma." (Me, too, Mom!)
  • While A packed a picnic lunch this morning for our trip to the farm, R ran and got some pennies and dimes and told A: "I know, Daddy! We should go for a train ride today. I have money!"

Tomorrow, we're hoping to find a place to meet friends and set off some model rockets. We also have more yard work to do.

I hope everyone is having a great, long weekend!


Wanda said...

oh when I read your post, I miss my grandchildren in Southern CA so so much. I absolutey love the words and saying of children.
Amazing how many "big" words they come up with!! Smart little guy!

LEstes65 said...

Ah ha ha ha ha ha! R immitating the T announcer cracked me UP! Love that kid!